He talked about you all the time when he first met y-". It had been some time since Akaashi set foot into that hospital. It never failed to comfort Akaashi. When he'd finally found him, those shining eyes of his lit up just a little more than usual. Work Search: This entire past month hasn't been any different for him, though. He stared at his knees intensely before Kenma spoke up. Akaashi forced a smile. "Why not? Sorry.]. He commented softly, leaning back in his seat. His head rested on mine with the weight of someone's who's unconscious.". He's going to be fine. Akaashi frowned deeply. Akaashi sighed to himself, frustrated with how easily he'd given in to Bokuto's begging. He was kind of difficult to keep up with, and Akaashi felt like this would be a long term sort of thing. His hands tensed, relaxed, and rested against his neck. His voice was gentle, light on Bokuto's ears. He knit his fingers together and kept his eyes down, anticipating when the first boom of thunder would sound. Complete and utter silence befell them afterwards. "Keep him company from now on. After three sets, there was another hit, and another cheer from the former ace. Bokuto stared at Akaashi sharply. He instead allowed his actions to speak for him. "I'm often busy. by postingAO3stories. He only looked like a tall, thin, black mass now as he stood near the stairway. It had been three days since Bokuto's passing, and surely enough, sleep did not come to Akaashi as easily as it used to. DID is usually caused by past trauma. He kicked his legs out of bed and walked across his room to retrieve a thick blanket that sat bundled up in a rolling chair. The question came out of the blue. He leaned his chin against the palm of his hand and chortled. Keeping in contact with me wouldn't be a good idea.". He felt like he could enjoy Kozume's company, what with how his words lacked all form of emotion. Furrowing his brow, Akaashi stared at his phone screen and lay his head down sideways. "What are you doing? Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's hands with his own. But Akaashi knew that this wasn't the case. Akaashi didn't say another word afterwards. Chloe was three years old when she became Chloe Holden, but her adoption didn't scar her, and she's had a great life. ", Bokuto grinned. He just hoped that the night wouldn't bring him any malevolent dreams. This one.". His hands squeezed tightly around the navy blue blanket that enveloped him. "I was the team captain, and the ace." "I'm not leaving, Koutarou." Same thing happened to me and now I'm questioning myself. His breathing was controlled, much like one of a person's who was actually asleep. "I am-." The words had come as such a shock to Bokuto that he'd paused and looked up at Akaashi. Bokuto breathed in deeply, the sound filling the small space around them. Akaashi eyeballed the small male for a long second, knowing that he wouldn't look up to catch him. "This is Akaashi. Akaashi twisted his lips to the side and decided to bring up something else. He pushed his negative thoughts aside and sat himself down in bed, right next to Bokuto. Akaashi sat at the edge of Kuroo's bed, and he stared out the window without focus. Why do I let him do this? He understood how that would be alarming to some people. His phone was there. He faked a smile. He managed a feeble shrug and turned to continue on with the movie that he'd watched for the thirtieth time already. Akaashi could feel Bokuto's enthusiasm through his text messages. ", "It's fine. Bokuto's laughter died down and he closed his eyes. He walked ahead quickly, straight into the room. Akaashi kicked his legs out of bed with much effort and stood on his feet. "I did" He paused for a moment. My sister told me to read it, since I really don't cry. He'd scroll up, up, up until the first text, then would scroll all the way down again, waiting for the ellipse to appear on the lower left side of the screen. He pushed the chair away and found Bokuto's side in bed. "I used to handle the cold better than this." It was one of those "White days", as Bokuto liked to call them, so he paid much more attention to the world beyond the glass than he did to his own confined life in the hospital. He just didn't want to accept it. Akaashi picked this up quickly, and he pulled his phone out for Bokuto to use. But that still doesn't make me a better person. Bokuto stared at Akaashi, his features having gone from disappointed to unaccepting. "That's Fine with me." ", Confused and mildly shocked, Akaashi made a face. He was obviously tired, showing signs of exhaustion with every small move he made. as well as He had no interest in staying where he was. "It isn't." For what felt like an eternity, Bokuto typed the words on Akaashi's phone. Bokuto replied, lifting his head. He was now more curious than he'd ever been before. He watched as Bokuto gathered it up in his arms and threw it around himself. Akaashi leaned back in his seat. Akaashi's chortling had been dragged out for a few seconds longer before he, too, quieted down. Akaashi felt his palm- warm, full, caressing the round of his face. A sheepish grin curled Akaashi's lips. Bokuto's arm unconsciously squeezed Akaashi closer to his side. ", "He's genuine, kind, and at times, infantile, but that's what makes him so Likeable, I suppose. People with dissociative disorders escape reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy and cause problems with functioning in everyday life. People walked by him, around him, up and down the halls, to and fro, but no one seemed to notice him. But no matter how much he worried for him, Akaashi continued on their way to the window at a slow and steady pace until they finally made it. A hand tugged at his shirt weakly. Show him a movie or play a game with him that would result in him to calm down quickly. Frankly speaking, it had no affect on him in the slightest. On the numbingly cold day that was January 3rd, at 8:04 PM, snow had fallen for the first time that year. Playing off of this, Akaashi texted for Kuroo to send an image of himself for Bokuto to see. He looked down, his hair hanging over his face. He didn't care. He reached a hand out and took Bokuto's hand in his own. i mean, i felt sad sure but I didn't really get the last few parts, like was it a dream, was Akaashi having a hallucination, did he die from a broken heart and that was like a vision of some of his best moments with Bokuto, etc. This was so so sad, I cried at the end. With this, he raised a quivering hand and his index finger. Pulling his laptop close, Akaashi smoothed his finger along the mouse pad. He pulled himself closer to Bokuto, and nudged his face into the warmth of his neck. Akaashi lifted himself onto his elbows. 61.7K 2.6K 3.9K. "And my hallucinations aren't all that bad. But now I'm kind of okay with it." (Not my story all credits goes to LittleLuxray on ao3) Akaashi sighed. Sunlight broke into the room, cascading all along the walls and floor, and casting shadows all around. This was their unspoken communication. "Didn't think you knew that about him. "Then let's go!" The sounds of their sneakers squeaking against the gym floor was so memory inducing, it caused Akaashi to take a moment and reminisce on the old days, as if doing so would take him back in time to when he'd play volleyball every single day after school. Been here for about Four weeks now." Akaashi chuckled with Bokuto, folding his arms in the process. Akaashi reached his hand up to rub the back of his neck roughly, administering a feeling of discomfort to one area in order to ignore the pain that threatened to swallow his heart. It was a reaction that Akaashi was not expecting in the least, but he played off his surprise and only managed an, "I see.". But even so, Bokuto still suffered from trembling spells, and they would come in small, short bursts and last only several seconds before his body became too weak to keep it up. He studied the back of Bokuto's head, eying the messy strands of black and white hair that overlapped each other. Bokuto was such a strange one. When he was like this, Akaashi would think that he was resting, and he would almost believe that thought until Bokuto would twitch awake again, his body jerking him from what little relaxation he tried to achieve. Surprised, Akaashi gave Bokuto his attention again. Indifference morphed into curiosity, and said curiosity was what drew Akaashi closer to his new friend. He was redirecting the pain. The drastic weight loss was awful enough, but as if to add insult to injury, Bokuto's worsening condition also made it increasingly difficult for him to walk, move, and speak. Seeing this display unfold before him, Akaashi could barely think. The disappointment in his voice was clear. "Keep doing what you're doing." He turned his head in the opposite direction, facing Akaashi now. Akaashi kicked his legs out of bed and strode to his window. Akaashi's grip tightened around his phone. What sat upon the screen was not what he thought it would be, but rather A simple compliment. He, too, did not intend on showing up to any funeral. Sorry for always messaging you so late. It was the weakest sound Akaashi had ever heard. speckle park bull sales 2021 847-461-9794; what disease did, bokuto have in another life. There was that, and the fact that Akaashi couldn't help but find Bokuto's smile endearing, no matter how sickly he looked when he wore one. Akaashi never knew that Bokuto was one to suddenly sulk on a dime. His only other choice was to lie there and accept whatever it was the IV liquid had to offer him. Kuroo asked with a hushed tone. But Kuroo insisted." This book was absolutely fantabulous. "I'll get us some water." So whenever he went silent, an unwelcomed feeling of discomfort found its home within Akaashi. "What? Bokuto gave him a look that could only be read as, "I am, aren't I?". By the time that movie ends, it'll be six. During the next day, Akaashi decided to stay home. Bokuto reached a hand out, aimlessly trying to swat Akaashi's own hand away. They were fingers. He knew full well the name of the disease he had. ", "Don't think so. Bokuto doesn't do well with those", "Ah" Kuroo looked at the ceiling, as if he would be able to see the clouds from there. "I barely ever see it." He wanted nothing to do with it. Akaashi said bitterly as he hobbled up the stairs. "So you must be leaving soon, then.". Akaashi sighed. Akaashi would answer his questions coldly, with little to no emotion, but Bokuto would cherish these answers and retort with excitement in his tone. So they don't mind. He couldn't bring himself to read over the last four words of the text again and ultimately shut off his phone. If he had known that sending simple text messages would have turned into daily hospital visits, then he would have never handed over his cell number. It was all still there, but there was something different about it all that puzzled Akaashi. Akaashi tapped his fingers quietly against his pants. Hang in there, alright? Apathy-kun. He looked around. That was enough for Akaashi to remove his hand from in front his mouth slowly, moving it to rest it over his chin. In his silence, Bokuto wept to himself, fat tears rolling down his cheeks in numbers. "Bokuto," he whispered. Kenma's unconcerned tone contradicted his words, but something told Akaashi that he meant everything he was saying. Akaashi.". Kuroo was quiet on the other end. Take a seat." "Don't record me.". They asked about the blanket and the scarf, but they never asked about Bokuto. He pulled and tugged at them restlessly. Akaashi's tone was monotonous, but Kuroo didn't fail to detect the venom that lined each word prior to his last sentence. Bokuto mouthed an "Okay," before backing up several steps. Seeing you smile, those amber eyes and your laughs. ", "I hope so. I was in tears for most of the hours it took me to read it, and when I finished, I legitimately sobbed so hard I woke up sick the next morning. 1) the most possible explanation - it was a dream, and it was all in Akaashi's head. Lying next to Akaashi, a ghostly pale Bokuto smiled. I'm not quite sure if he dies from a heartbreak or not though, trying to find that out for myself. "He's a bit more of An ass, to say the least." "Sure." It doesn't make any sense.". ], [No, he can't. Just what kind of guy was he? This is one of the best fics, no, pieces of writing full stop that I've ever read! As much as he didn't want to believe it, Akaashi wanted so badly to help. Kuroo panned the phone to his side, and a blurred Kenma came into focus on screen. An old friend." "What's this?" He said the name with a lack of interest to try and soften the blow, but Akaashi knew that no matter how he approached it, Bokuto would frown when he heard the name. stardustcrusader28 i would have to research more about the disease, but bokuto was probably suffering all that day, slowly decaying more and more until he couldn't sustain himself anymore and passed away. Bokuto's fingers touched at Akaashi's knuckles. He did not seem to take offense easily. But as he spoke about his favorite scene, Akaashi could sense a powerful vibe coming from him One that wasn't there before. Just as those words left Akaashi's mouth, the clouds outside parted, allowing the setting sun's orange light to flood into the room. "What?". Exhaling through his nostrils, Akaashi reclaimed his seat in bed, crossing his legs. His yellow eyes stared at the screen intently. He pushed Akaashi back this time. He was wasting time, asking for something that he did not want in the least. It read: "If I knew those words I spoke a week ago would have been my last, I would have chosen them more carefully.". It took him some time to get down what he wanted to say, but after several minutes, he withdrew his hand. "A-p-a-t-h-yk-u-n." Bokuto was close to saving the contact before Akaashi spoke up. He swallowed once, hoping to get rid of the lump in his throat. "I see" Akaashi nodded once. He'd never heard of that disease before. "There is no known cure, huh?" Akaashi woke with a start that same night, his strangled shouts having pulled him from his sleep. That would be nice. At the very least, definitely one of the most impactful. I was the only one willing to give it to him." A gasp escaped Bokuto. "I've been insensitive", A laugh bubbled out from Bokuto. I most definitely did not sob reading this. That toss was perfect!" An exhausted breath left him, and Akaashi finally fell asleep. He wears a white shirt and blue trousers, and is also seen wearing pyjamas in the movie when it is his bedtime. Akaashi cocked his head back to demonstrate this, with his finger tapping his chin. Akaashi's eyes lowered, focusing on the arm that was attached to the hand that he was holding. ", Akaashi looked down. He hesitated for a moment, but finally spoke up. When he exhaled, a puff of smoke left him. Akaashi stifled a laugh. "You don't. His heart beat a mile a minute, he found it difficult to swallow, and one of his legs bounced up and down rapidly. He watched Bokuto intently, curious to know what his answer would be. "Oh- you can move." Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. In the span of those three days, he had only acquired a little over four hours of sleep in total. He hung his head and tried to keep his crying controlled in the best way possible, but this proved to be very difficult as sobs broke out of him, causing his entire being to shake. "Yeah, I'm-," He turned his head, "Is there someone in there?" We also all know how Bokuto also gets really depressed (Bokuto's emo mode) in the middle of matches. Then I'll have to walk you to the hospital before the doctors find out you're missing and lose their minds. Which makes this review sound negative, BUT!! ", "Well, I brought it up, just as a suggestion, but then he got really excited." Despite this, it only seemed to make Bokuto laugh even harder. Because of the nightmare? Akaashi beckoned for his visitor. Akaashi stepped in and shut the door behind him. ", Bokuto stared at Akaashi. Bokuto's head lolled to the side, directing his attention back to the movie. He asked this in a tone of disbelief. Pretty much the only thing wrong with me is that I can't sleep!]. Here too" His voice was weaker than before, if possible. Akaashi felt his chest rise. Um" He scratched at his cheek, just below his eye. Maybe taking him outside for a while would do him some good. "You know Um" He looked down and rubbed his neck roughly, leaving behind deep, red marks. He twisted his body to reach for the box of Pocky that sat on the counter. "Three words? I don't think I've ever heard you laugh, or seen you smile for that matter. He glowered at nothing in particular. To this, Bokuto's arm fell and rested lightly on his stomach. He praises others while shouting that he's the best at everything he does. So i havent seen ppl talking about this so i m guessing i m the only one who thinks this and its prolly CRAZY but HEAR ME OUT i think akaashi is now have same disease as bokuto and first he coulndt fell asleep and now he is also seeing hallucinations and prolly he will also die like bokuto but the diffrence being he was there for bokuto but sadly there will be no one by his side and he will die alone but surely with a smile on his face cause he can finally meet bokuto in after life. The words were barely a whisper, and they came without warning. A sob wretched its way out from Akaashi's throat. He instead continued to stare in Akaashi's direction with hopeful eyes. "I'm very bad at measuring time now, too, if you haven't noticed. He hated how difficult it had become for him to tell apart the real things from the fake ones. His words were as straightforward as they were indifferent. June 2, 2022 by by "Are you here every day?". Stop asking already. Akaashi remained in his faux sleeping position, feeling that it would take much more of an effort for him to open his eyes and check around than to stay dormant. What?" what disease did, bokuto have in another lifeturkish airlines flight 981 victims. "Let's just go.". Those honey-hued eyes took in all that they could of Akaashi's laughing face. His hands rested on his stomach, the dark blanket surrounding him from behind, but slipping off just enough for his torso to be exposed. Akaashi had kept his eyes closed for quite a while, trying to fall into a deep sleep, but found that he couldn't, or at least, not as quickly as he thought he could. His face looked both shocked and exhausted at the same time. Akaashi is a former intern in this hospital, and he loaths it. Watching as Bokuto ran forward, Akaashi set the ball perfectly. He started on his way without so much as a second glance in the other's direction. He drags you back in. Though he'd gotten thinner, his arms still had some power to them. Blinking, Akaashi turned his attention back to Kuroo and Bokuto. Akaashi found himself laughing along with him. Kenma almost murmured the words. He turned his head towards the window, away from Akaashi. I cried several times while typing it, actually. Akaashi knew that running probably wasn't the best thing that he should have been doing, but he said nothing about it. Bokuto whispered. It had been the same guy he'd almost bumped into Perhaps he'd remained in the hall and watched as Akaashi had gone from a brisk walk to a sudden stop. I don't want to know them. After this, he would repeat the same process, paying little to no mind to the freezing cold that surrounded him. Not in the state that he was in. "It caught me off guard. "I thought you said you weren't ever going to set foot in here again." I thought you fell asleep.]. Long time.". The nickname popped into Akaashi's head for a brief second. i was disappointed they didn't fricking kiss and bokuto's death is just the saddest thing in the world. "I refuse to go. Two hours had passed since their last words towards each other, yet Akaashi still lay awake in bed. From the background of the video, a low voice could be heard. You always do.". He sighed. He'd never received a faster response in his life. "Do you want your scarf back?" That he wasn't another one of those illusions his mind would create. He held an air around him as if he were having a normal conversation about the weather. It wasn't like Bokuto to question what he said in such a straightforward fashion. The sky was already black. It was a dreary place for him, a place he was not fond of, but a place he was obligated to visit. He said lightheartedly, his fingers trembling around his phone. "I thought you were waiting for the snow. He wanted to rid himself of this feeling, rid himself of this silence, so he searched his mind in haste for any word that came to mind. The male across from him did well in hiding the look of offense that almost surfaced upon his face. "Bokuto is starting to look less and less like his old self, too. That was, until he saw a familiar face. Don't you have it in your laptop? To the garden out in the back.". From his peripheral, Akaashi could see their hand reaching out to him. ", Bokuto couldn't help but guffaw, his head tilting back. "Don't be sorry." It was the longest minute he'd ever been forced to sit through. It was frustrating, it was infuriating, and it was overall saddening, but Akaashi could not show any of this. He found it strange, how Bokuto was the one . "You were out for about an hour.". It took a moment for Bokuto to respond, but after some time, he managed some words. Kuroo made a grunting noise and had nothing more to say on the subject. "They aren't really there." 299K 5.7K 29.5K. It caused him to open his eyes and look in Akaashi's direction, astonished. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too. Another laugh. "Is there something wrong with me standing here?" Bokuto blinked slowly. He used to be thicker. He whispered softly, his voice shaking in his throat. Akaashi raised his eyebrows. Standing at the side of Bokuto's bed, Akaashi glanced to the open door that led to the hallway. Storms trigger them.". The words echoed in Akaashi's head, as if they'd been spoken aloud. He shut his eyes and squeezed his palm. "Thank you." He reached a hand out to turn on the lamp that sat on his nightstand. "I'm not coming back to visit him anymore. Three times, Bokuto jolted awake involuntarily, and three times, he covered his eyes with his forearm and heaved a quiet sigh. He had so many things he'd wanted to do with him, so many things he'd wanted to say, but all of those things seemed to have fallen away once the moment had finally come. They shared the same navy blue knit blanket and huddled up beneath it, keeping each other warm in the best way that they could. He leaned into his touch, and his vision began to fade, his eyes welling with tears. He dreamt of nothing in particular that night. He exhaled through his nose and entered the hospital, greeted the woman at the front desk (who now knew him by name), and removed the scarf from around his neck. He only waved goodbye at a staring Akaashi before following his small friend down the stairs. He sighed his response with a grin. But sometimes, he wouldn't answer certain questions, despite Akaashi asking them twice. Akaashi turned away and frowned. "I told you I had my moments every so often.". He watched as Kuroo walked away, far enough for small details to become blurred. "Well, you're laughing now" He tried to hide his smile.
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