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Venise : 2 ou 3 nuits avec petits déjeuners à l'Hôtel Venezia et tour en bateau hop on hop off, vols A/R depuis Zaventem Citytrip à Venice avec ticket bateau hop-on/hop-off. A sporty tour of the city, the pace and route adapted to suit your wishes and your stamina! Enjoy the carnivalesque canal city of Venice from the comforts of two four-starred hotels: Quality Hotel Delfino Venezia Mestre or Smart Hotel Holiday. Customers can just buy 1 voucher and pay the single supplement to Tour Center at the time of booking. Search. Cerca su Groupon. The only thing different I would do is book transfer transportation with Gate 1, taxis cost more to book on your own. Sale • Citysights NY. Passeggiare mano nella mano o farsi trasportare in un mondo da favola a bordo di una delle tante gondole che attraversano i canali è forse il sogno di una vita però, grazie ai coupon, è un sogno che potrebbe diventare molto presto realtà. Can we extend our trip before or after the promotional dates for the deal? Ensuite, entrez dans cette ancienne gare transformée en l'un des plus importants musées de Paris. This tour takes you behind life in Venice, away from S. Mark's Square. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to book direct flights from Paris to Italy and Italy to Chicago. Con i coupon di Groupon dedicati a Venezia Mestre, è possibile organizzare un viaggio nella laguna più famosa del mondo usufruendo delle occasioni imperdibili pensate appositamente per voi. STE - Gomundo (BE) FAQ Groupon Voyages. TICKETS ON SALE STARTING FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 AT 10AM AT LIVENATION.COM. 8-Day Italy Tour with Airfare from Gate 1 Travel. L’achat du coupon est définitif. Whether you want to trace history in Rome, taste wines in Tuscany, shop in Milan, drive the scenic Amalfi Coast, or explore the canals of Venice, we have all the Italy tours for you. Description The true adventure begins here. We chose to fly out of Newark, and spent a weekend in NYC. Purchase: Limit 1 per person. Reviews Locanda Antica Venezia receives a nicelydecorated 3.5/5 on TripAdvisor. Discover the fascination, the elegance and the warmth of our welcome! Veuillez contacter le service membre de Groupon pour toute question relative à cette offre. Épuisé. Hope to return. Codice sconto Weekend in Italy e coupon sconto 2017. Conditions. Promo Hotel Venise: Trouvez les meilleurs prix sur des centaines de sites et réservez votre hôtel sur Tripadvisor grâce à 1 307 184 avis sur Venise hôtels. Sale • Brittany Ferries UK. An Italy tour is the best way to experience your next vacation to Italy. © 2020 Groupon International Limited. Venice Kayak offers tours in Venice & its lagoon, with qualified guides, putting safety first, including a free photo service.. Venice Kayak supplies all basic kayaking equipment. 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Venezia Restaurant has earned a glowing 4.5/5 stars on TripAdvisor, with praise directed at the restaurant’s setting and quality of the food in particular. Venezia 164 € Dès . Venice, or Venezia, is one of the world's most unique and beautiful cities.During its more than 1700-year history, it has been at the nexus of major European art, music, and political developments. Nature à Amsterdam : chambre double supérieure / executive 40+ acheteurs The Green Elephant Hostels Maastricht • 95,1 km 37 € Dès . Venezia Tour - The best tours in Venice Venice Hotels Map About. 7,50 € from 2,99 € 60% discount_off. Well worth the money we paid for the trip. Con i coupon per Venezia Mestre, vivere un'esperienza enogastronomica è irrinunciabile. Hotel was standard European with a great breakfast. You can either choose another date or be refunded by Groupon. Venice, a magical city on water, is like no other place in the world. © 2020 Groupon, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati Terms of use Lo trovi a questo indirizzo Potrai acquistare lo sconto Solo per un periodo limitato di tempo, ovvero fino a ven 30 novembre 2018; dopo di che, Esperienza di volo con pratica, non sarà più disponibile. 1 of 12. In Venice, the four star Hotel Delfino Venezia Mestre located near the centre of Venice Mestre, and the four star Smart Hotel Holiday, located in the heart of Venice, will await holidaymakers. 1 ou 2 tapis de massage de réflexologie plantaire. Sia che siate turisti ma anche abitanti della città lagunare, grazie ai coupon dedicati a Venezia Mestre potete prenotare dei menù tradizionali nei tipici baccari veneziani ad un prezzo molto vantaggioso. Découvrez la ville sous un autre angle avec nos offres beauté, restaurant, shopping et loisirs. We suggest calling Gate 1 Travel to redeem your vouchers as soon as possible so that you do not run into this problem. Hop on hop off Venise tour en bateau : 17,50 €/personne; L’hôtel. © 2020 Groupon, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Valid for 24 hours, you can stay on-board and listen to the audio commentary, or jump off at any of the 16 stops to visit sights such as Venezia Square, Miramare Castle, and the Grande Canal. 4.2. Corso del Popolo 211, Venezia-Mestre 30172 REA VE-329952 VAT & Fisc.Code: 03690220276 Share Capital: 500.000,00 € f.p. Code • Aran Island Ferries. $119 for One In-Office 60-Minute Teeth-Whitening Session at Utopia Body Spa ($225 Value) 60-minute teeth whitening treatment aims to lighten clients’ teeth as well as to help remove stains and discoloration. Rome, Venice, Tuscany, Amalfi Coast & more. Some mentioned the stairs may be difficult for those with mobility issues, but in general reviewers write fondly of the decor, warm hospitality and incredible views. Immerse yourself in the … Does my child need a Groupon, and can they stay in my room? The supplemental fee to depart from a city that isn’t included is subject to departure date and availability at the time of booking. Take a look around the hotel through this amazing Video Tour! The largest city in the region, Florence, is also one of Italy’s most beautiful. 11 options available, including departures in November and December 2016 and January 2017 from New York City (specific gateway based on availability). Le proposte per soggiorni alberghieri ma anche per eventi o manifestazioni varie sono delle idee innovative e da non perdere a Venezia Mestre. Hotel Pesaro Palace Cannaregio 3935 - 30121 Venice, Italy | Tel. Veneto, Trentino, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia e Marche. Unique selection of fully customizable Vacation Packages in Italy. From hand-painted frescos to award-winning restaurants and lounges, there’s a little bit of everything for everyone to enjoy. Our guide , Gina, is a native Venetian, so she knows the place like the back of her hand, … Prenota&Vai! Click and save big with latest 44 coupon & promo codes. Wine Cellar Tour with a Tasting of 5 x Wines for Two Koelenhof Winery Stellenbosch. Learn about Venetian art and culture as you trace a route from Piazza San Marco to the elaborate Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. Additional fees: Baggage fees may apply and vary by carrier. Santa Croce. Writers and painters have been especially drawn to its waterlogged beauty, but maybe that’s no big surprise. Venice Hotel Deals: Find great deals from hundreds of websites, and book the right hotel using Tripadvisor's 1,307,184 reviews of Venice hotels. 8-Day Tour of Italy with Airfare from Gate 1 Travel. $225.00 $119.00. Zip Code, Neighborhood, City. Escape the hustle of San Marco and San Polo in the charming streets of Santa Croce. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services. 1 ou 2 collier cravate coulissant pour femme. Snorkel with Seals for One or Two Cape Town Bucket List Hout Bay Harbour. Plane was late leaving out of Boston, but the taxi service was still waiting in Milan when I arrived. Inserisci la tua posizione. 60+ acheteurs PARTAGER CE DEAL. 129 € ... Paris – Vue Tour Eiffel: Double avec parking & petit déjeuner 1 000+ acheteurs Park Plaza Victoria Amsterdam Amsterdam • 174,2 km 150 € Dès . Sconto max 20€. The private tour to Murano Glass Factory organized by the hotel was awesome! Book with confidence on the site, your tickets will be assured! Alcuni deal esclusi, Shampoo, maschera, taglio, piega, colore e effetto luce al salone Diadema hair Fashion (sconto fino a 53%), Menu di mare da 4 portate e vino per 2 o 4 persone alla Trattoria Al Campanile, Campo S. Polo (sconto fino a 48%), Menu di pesce alla carta "Selezione dello chef" per 2 persone, Menu di terra alla carta con vino per 2 o 4 persone alla Trattoria Pizzeria Al Campanile (sconto fino a 53%), Menu di terra alla carta Fantasia dello chef con vino per 2 persone, Visita dermatologica e mappatura nei più una, 3 o 5 asportazioni a Venezia Rialto (sconto fino a 76%), Senza asportazioni: visita dermatologica e mappatura nei, Menu con pizza a scelta, birra e caffè per 2 o 4 persone a La Lista Bistrò, quartiere Cannaregio (sconto fino a 44%), Menu con pizza a scelta, birra e caffè per 2 persone, Menu Gourmet di pesce con astice, dolce e caffè per 2 persone all'Osteria Sora al Ponte (sconto fino a 50%), Per 2 persone: menu Gourmet di pesce con dolce e caffè, Menu con pizza, dolce e birra per 2 o 4 persone alla trattoria San Zulian, Piazza San Marco (sconto fino a 64%), Menu con pizza, dolce e birra per 2 persone, Menu di pesce da 2 a 4 portate più vino al ristorante La Bella Pollastrella, zona ponte alle Guglie (sconto fino a 59%), Tour isole Venezia, transfer stazione, walking tour e pass musei, con Consorzio Vidali Group (sconto fino a 60%), Per un bambino: tour delle isole di Venezia (minore 11 anni), Noleggio motoscafo a Venezia, una, 2 o 4 ore, fino a 30 persone, con Consorzio Vidali Group (sconto fino a 59%), Un'ora: noleggio motoscafo privato a Venezia con conducente. Share 3 or more photos, Earned when a user has gotten 2 or more helpful votes. Hop-On, Hop-Off Rome Day Tour You can hop on our Red Tour from 8 different stops, including Termini Station, the Colosseum and Piazza Venezia. It is a busy area full of nice surprises, like the stunning L'Orologio Venezia, one of Venice’s most exclusive spots. Après la transaction, vous pouvez effectuer la réservation via Groupon.. Option 1 : Entrée, plat et dessert pour 2 personnes - 45,00 € Option 2 : Entrée, plat et dessert pour 4 personnes - 89,99 € Select your offer Select your location This trip by far was AMAZING! Price per Person Based on Double Occupancy (Buy 1 Groupon/Person). Recently Viewed Sell Help Sign Up. Cette offre n'est pas éligible aux codes promotionnels. ALBATRAVEL - WHL VENEZIA. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. The Venetian. It rained almost every day but I was able to touch history and breath in the city that is Rome. We had a great time,l. R 429.00 R 900.00. Call Gate 1 Travel at (800) 682-3333 for pricing from any airport that isn’t listed on the Groupon Getaways deal page. Grow Your Business by Working with Groupon, 8-day/6-night Venice, Florence, and Rome vacation with airfare. I nostri deal includono ristoranti, spa, hotel, vita notturna, massaggi, parrucchieri e tantissime altre proposte. Venezia • 1,1 km ... Les deals Groupon offrent un moyen simple d'obtenir des réductions importantes tout en découvrant de nouveaux établissements dans votre ville. Palazzo Veneziano, Venise dès 298€ sur Tripadvisor: Consultez les 919 avis de voyageurs, 1 253 photos, et les meilleures offres pour Palazzo Veneziano, classé n°27 … This tour includes: After an overnight flight, you’ll arrive in Venice on day 2. The dates available are listed on each option. We had a fabulous time in Iceland. Connect your Facebook account to sign in to Groupon. $139 /nt. This was the best vacation of my life!! Promotional value expires Apr 5, 2016. An 8-day guided tour of Venice, Florence, and Rome by luxury motor coach, with optional excursions . 47% discount_off. Vous ne bénéficiez pas du droit de rétractation pour cette offre (article L. 221-28 12° du Code de la consommation). Airfare is available from the New York City metro area. Gate 1 Travel-awesome!! Tuscany is known for its undulating hills, sprawling vineyards, and sun-kissed villas. Otherwise, everything was wonderfully planned and layed out for us! Pre-recorded commentary is available in 9 languages. Click here to see all options and departure dates. Tour isole Venezia, transfer stazione, walking tour e pass musei, con Consorzio Vidali Group (sconto fino a 60%) Il consorzio offre tour in motoscafo e visite guidate per scoprire le bellezza, la storia e l’arte delle isole della Laguna di Venezia. No New Notifications. Beauty & Spas View All. Loved it. By entering my email above, I agree Groupon can send me emails for local services, shopping, travel and Groupon updates.I can unsubscribe any time by contacting Groupon here. Rome (AFP) - Toute l'Italie sera classée "rouge" -niveau de confinement le plus strict- pour les fêtes de Noël et de Nouvel an, mais les Italiens auront le droit de sortir de chez eux pour participer à un repas de famille à couverts limités, a tranché un décret publié samedi. With Montmartre with his Sacré-Cœur, its artists and its mill or the Eiffel Tower, Paris amazes by its diversity. ! V.A.T. Tour isole Venezia, transfer stazione, walking tour e pass musei, con Consorzio Vidali Group (sconto fino a 60%) Il consorzio offre tour in motoscafo e visite guidate per scoprire le bellezza, la storia e l’arte delle isole della Laguna di Venezia. At $799 a person for 7 days (airfare, hotel and breakfast) it was a steal! Thank you very much 5. ; Restaurants Exclusive aromas and tastes to discover. Children aged 2 and older will need a Groupon for travel. Désolé, ce deal est. Groupon Logo. This was absolutely AMAZING! Deal Tour … Top Tip A boat tour or gondola trip is perhaps the best way to be acquainted with the City of Water, and take in Venice’s famous sights. All. The tale begins as any other tale, one of mystery and suspense. Cambio pastiglie freni Bosch per auto di varia cilindrata con Tagliando Diretto (sconto fino a 33%). Viale Ancona 24 30172 Mestre, 30124 . Offrir comme cadeau. Located in Venice, a 10-minute walk from Santa Lucia Train Station, NH Venezia Rio Novo offers free WiFi. We spent an entire day flying due to flying in the afternoon and the layover going from Paris to Italy. I was a little skeptical about taking a trip through groupon but the company and this trip in particular have some good reviews so I just went with it and I am so happy that I did. Utilizzare tutti weekend in italia codice di sconto italia per risparmiare sugli acquisti online. 6. Conditions. Compare our Italy vacation packages & book your trip to Italy now with our best Italy travel deals. Puoi modificare le tue preferenze email in qualunque momento, Sì, voglio risparmiare ricevendo email personalizzate da parte di Groupon con buoni affari. Search Groupon. Different occupancy arrangements may be requested with Gate 1 Travel at the time of reservation. Free Ticket For a City Sightseeing Ferry Tour With Purchase. Nasze codzienne oferty obejmują Black Friday, prezenty na dzień matki, restauracje, spa, hotele, masaż, zakupy, atrakcjewiele więcej, w setkach miast na całym świecie. 1 use today. Discovery Tour in France and Italy. From £107-£177 for 2 to 4 nights, depending on date and number of nights chosen; Option 4: at Hotel Venezia with Murano, Burano and Torcello Half-Day Sightseeing Tour . Réduction 40%. Restaurant Reservations Required. 4. Find the perfect hotel within your budget with reviews from real travelers. SAVE! Option 3: at Hotel Delfino with Murano, Burano and Torcello Half-Day Sightseeing Tour . 3. E quale miglior regalo per l’anniversario della vostra compagna o del vostro compagno se non una vacanza a Venezia Mestre, alla scoperta di migliaia di scorci indimenticabili? 21-CITY SUMMER AMPHITHEATER OUTING KICKS OFF JULY 21, 2020. Being the least visited area in Venice, it is ideal … In your free time, wind down with a bottle of vino on the steps of the Piazzale Michelangelo—the best spot to watch the sun set over the Arno River. It is long and the options weren't fabulous on the plane. At the conclusion of your tour, it’s customary to offer your Tour Director and driver a gratuity in local currency. Groupon ti permette di scoprire attività divertenti nella tua città Rooms Discover and choose from our rooms: style, comfort, enchanting view of the Grand Canal or the typical, narrow Venetian streets; or an unusual and tranquil nook in our Patio-Garden. Voir des deals similaires . Party size is limited to four per table. Airfare nonrefundable after booking. 2. 8-Day Tour of Italy with Airfare. Desservi par les bus à destination du centre historique de Venise, l’Hôtel Venezia bénéficie d’un emplacement central à Mestre. Scopri le idee regalodi Groupon. is an easy to use webite for improving your Venice travel experience. Details verified 23 July 2015. Pubblicato da Offerte Italia 24 Ottobre 2020 Pubblicato in Venezia Tag: groupon, sconto Uno o 3 massaggi a scelta da 30 o 50 minuti al centro Postura e Massaggi (sconto fino a 60%) Serie di massaggi adatti per sciogliere le contratture o semplicemente regalarsi alcuni momenti di … ⏰ Menu di pesce tipico veneziano di 3/4 portate a due passi dal ponte di Rialto all'Osteria Barababao. A marble city with liquid streets is bound to appeal to anyone with an artistic temperament, a flair for romance, and a soft spot for the impossible. Quality Hotel Delfino Venezia Mestre: Groupon Deal - Not Bad! Veuillez contacter le service membre de Groupon pour toute question relative à cette offre. Visit two pearls of Italy with this convienient deal. I also put up a video on YouTube if you want to look a little more into it! En Venecia Tours encontraras las mejores ofertas y promociones para tus vacaciones! The hotel was very close to the pick-up for all events. $21.14 pp (based on 4) with Sandrine & Christophe Four Winn Cruise in Miami Bay – Full day with lunch included An insider tour of Miami Bay on a private boat. Get exclusive, skip-the-line access to the very best of Venice on a private, 6-hour walking and gondola tour of the city. We recommend tipping the equivalent of $7USD to $10USD per person per day for your Tour Director and the … Les demandes de renseignement adressées à Viator seront renvoyées à Groupon. Children aged under 12 may be eligible for a discount.

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