endobj 9 0 obj<> endobj 10 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj[/ICCBased 23 0 R] endobj 14 0 obj<>stream CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for plants containing all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. CANNA CA1280 5 L Coco Part A & B-Veg & Bloom Nutrient-Developed for Run to Waste Growth, Green. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly; and it will take some time to settle. �X%��ӻ8F�$����&��HAJi�:N���5!ΣD��������&� ڜ\�#ޅ!���kI��+�Oo���{xmU�}N��w��"V���piPq�ٽ�y:^��"�sVk�X�l-���$ŧx���"!V���ũ6�O���+|d�}A������t.�v�[�[t�-�E� Lol... What you guys think of the boost? CANNA RHIZOTONIC. 0000011099 00000 n It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. 2 … CANNA Coco Natural is a natural coco-based plant medium that offers the gardener and his plants advantages in comparison with other substrates. The amounts of Calcium and Phosphate that have to be present for the nutrient to do its job properly are quite high. 0000006845 00000 n The EC of Canna COCO A+B dissolved in (tap) water should vary between 1.2 - 2.3mS (=solution EC + water EC) Recommended pH: 5.5 - 6.5; When growing intensively feed the plants 1-2 times a day with this nutrient and make sure the run off will be between 10% and 20%; You might also like. Canna A & B for Growing Cannabis. Canna Coco A & B can deliver incredible results for novice growers and experts alike, so lets get started. Buy CANNA Coco A&B 1 L Now . 4. 6 0 obj <> endobj E��m�x.���m�tEY�y�z��%��L1��qf���s��s/2�"s�ƿ�5Eڗ��ݹ��8:�E��L�P�0fT�. These two are mixed together into your reservoir/ water. We can’t make things easier! Canna Canna Coco Brick 40l Expandable Natural Plant Medium Soil Substrate, 40 Liter Expanded - 8 Liter Dry, Reusable (1): Amazon.ca: Patio, Lawn & Garden 8 0 obj<>stream We can’t make things easier! 0000000816 00000 n It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Unlike nutrients for growing on other mediums, which are usually divided into a vegetative and a flowering solution, this one is not. 0000001064 00000 n INGREDIENTS Two component liquid fertiliser NPK 6-2-3 with trace elements FIRST AID Skin Contact Wash with plenty of soap and water. cc��:J�7���$e�8a?y֎>��Ic������y�ZsV��P�)���g��@�T����vu����I�B���2߀�C�ܲ������5�ңr~��=AoN�z��^8�}�̦? CANNA BOOST Accelerator. The resulting saccharides are fermented to remove simple sugars. Canna’s base food is Canna A, and Canna B. 0000002512 00000 n 0000003341 00000 n 2 days ago. CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. endstream endobj 15 0 obj<> endobj 16 0 obj<>stream You could say: they can’t live with or without each other. 0000008430 00000 n As it happens, if some of the elements in part A and B are thrown together at the same time, they clog together. CANNA offers a complete COCO program. Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant. Canna Coco A & B Feed Schedule. If you’re looking to learn more about growing marijuana in coco coir, check out our complete grow guide for growing weed in coco coir. First time in Coco with those ones and definitely I’ll use them again ! CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. CANNA Coco A&B is composed of high-value minerals and, in addition to this, CANNA Coco contains humous and fulvic ac After years of research into soil, drainage and leaf analyses, CANNA has succeeded in being the first to develop a fertilizer that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of cocos substrates. �P-���id�����u�yȸ�_q�)�ł�a3�͠�j�t�Iu���@��Ƌ?w����X �Y��]Qb�:��m��?�W�p���?K^H ���Y���[V a[˘�d;�7ʘ[P�z%�8������TKR��\�3ƾY�����9X/0�8�3B��3 ��� startxref Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly, but it will take some time to settle. 5. Our nourishing and moisturizing products are made for you with lots of love. [����j-���$��4a���w�dZ�p���I�AD�� ��f�M �9aB4%\F$��"����K��Hq��fz��Q���}�5ԇ�t�T{�%ݫ��}�=� �M:w�&����?dM�\WE Rooflower. $119.99 Canna Rhizotonic 1L. CANNA COCO nutrient consists of two parts, an A part and a B part. CANNA Coco A&B Feeding Schedule. Question. 4.8 out of 5 stars 5,792. Is this slick marketing? 0000000016 00000 n When you put such highly concentrated elements in one bottle they will conflict with each other sometimes resulting in a slimy residue of sorts. Details. Let nature and your body get together. CANNA PK 13/14. 0000026951 00000 n Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. 0000001901 00000 n 5. Canna Rhizotonic 5ltr. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixedThe residue doesn’t appear instantly, but it will take some time to settle. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. x�b``g``�a ��lT��, �H��P������R���@�OS�hF�Q��Y��?�ƙPW����hH�s �� דU 68 36 18. Sherbet Queen , Royal Queen . We keep it simple and we keep it clean. Coco fiber typically contains little Calcium and even less Phosphate; on the other hand it does hold lots of Potassium compared to other type of mediums. CANNA Coco A. 5. CANNA Coco Natural. Canna Coco A+B flushing and strength questions. Made to heal and hydrate. Due to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO nutrients don't have a Vega and Flores version, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. 5. CANNA COCO A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. The design problem is: your plants still need both elements and they need them in large amounts, in spite of their conflict. We have been having great luck using the “light” feeding schedule from the Canna Coco website. These are some of the nutrients plants need but there are not proper amounts of it present in coco coir to cover the plant’s needs. We separate these parts for a reason. CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coir coco. This base nutrient plant feed contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). 0000004877 00000 n CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. The amounts of Calcium and Phosphate that have to be present for the nutrient to do its job properly are quite high. The CANNA COCO A + B nutrient will give the best results when combined with CANNA COCO medium. 0000011326 00000 n Which is bought in two parts. All of our products are made with naturally occurring ingredients. Posted by 1 month ago. 5. 0000011547 00000 n To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. CANNA COCO nutrients contain ingredients that ensure that nutrients are released to the substrate. Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:25 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. 3 3. Canna Boost 5L Accelerator . 0 0000002478 00000 n 4.8 out of 5 stars 96. H����j�@��z�:jSi����c��@�!�i�A�4Y2Z�y���zƳ8A������OU�&H ���_���&i�7y��}Sg}��u�尊z�☃��z�"g!S+�7���P+sWW9\�e�&]����{"@"A�)14�\¡ɽ�g��(J9i"�n�4�$�0TNBE{ How to Use Canna Coco Nutrient A&B . 0000018620 00000 n Canna A & B contain a range of different minerals used by the plant. Due to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO nutrients don't have a Vega and Flores version, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. $650.00 NZD Approx $458.68 USD $660.00 NZD Approx $465.74 USD. 5. 0000007615 00000 n We can’t make things easier! 0000006130 00000 n Canna Coco A+B flushing and strength questions. Some of CannaBoost’s active ingredients are carbohydrates that are by-products derived from the production of bio ethanol and yeast, and through the fermentation of molasses (from sugar cane, sugar beet, and palm). 6 26 0000005446 00000 n Product: Shelf life in years: Product: Shelf life in years: CANNA Aqua Flores A: 3: CANNA Phosphorus: 2 : CANNA Aqua Flores B: 3: CANNA Potassium: 2: CANNA Aqua Vega A: 3: pH- GROW: 5: CANNA Aqua Vega B: 3: pH Plus Pro: 5: pH- BLOOM: 5: CANNA PK 13/14: 5: … This item is a kit of two bottles, both A and B for the specified sizes shown. First mix the COCO A solution and stir well before adding the COCO B solution to help prevent saline residues. CANNA BOOST Accelerator. It's an organic product that is free of diseases. %%EOF It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. CANNA RHIZOTONIC. When you choose to grow on COCO you need a special COCO nutrient as well. Canna has a two part base to their nutrient line called Canna A and Canna B. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly; and it will take some time to settle. Canna Coco A&B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. %PDF-1.4 %���� These are the basic building blocks of any nutrient line. Where any brand of COCO nutrient is sold in only one bottle with no residues in the container, this should be a ‘sign on the wall’ for you to know there cannot be high enough amounts of both Calcium and Phosphate present: you’re probably being ripped off. Coconuts and plants. First, add CANNA Coco A to the reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml per 10 Litres of water) and stir well. What is Canna A and B? This is why CANNA Research developed a COCO nutrient that completes the CANNA COCO medium to exactly what the plants is looking for. Close. you got a glass jaw son so watch ur mouth.... S. Shamanfarmer. <<24303a9d9047db4286e2adfa065436a7>]>> You still need two bottles; COCO A and COCO B. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly, but it will take some time to settle . I've spent months researching everything and I'm still conflicted as to the proper way to use these nutrients. This is exactly why CANNA COCO is divided into a two-part nutrient solution known as COCO A and COCO B. This means we have COCO medium as loose fill or in the form of slabs, as well as a COCO nutrient which is adjusted to the COCO medium. The fact that we divided it into two bottles is actually clever thinking and proof that our formula is strong enough and cannot be put in one bottle. May 18, 2012 #7 I did notice following cannas chart that at 11-12 ml per gal the tips started burning a lil bit.. And they want it pushed to 15 ml per gal? Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate Canna Coco doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. Canna Boost 5L Accelerator. 0000004158 00000 n I'll be starting my first grow soon using Canna Coco A+b as my main nutes. Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. 0000019033 00000 n 0000001241 00000 n We can’t make things easier! Canna can’t make things easier! H��T]o�0}ϯ�OL��Wlӷ�´�RUݴ�c�FA��C�{wm'!P�� ٹ����{u7c�n��*M90HW�o��ϟ�`���PJBI�ۀ�K@ �TB��' 鯠s��t}�Yt���M����3�1�� ��0��f�8N��"��J�����F��ʶ���iӬ;�&J�p�C*�*/N t����1�l�/��"_��5�$�`�/�=Ix'�R";���b������~�؉�D�ͷzRDH�H53��m�5�J6+�e��5�����2�� ���"�vI{���ے��������l|;��� �t{��N`}�������"/�gD�~=��s}�__���)/~�����,��ź� It is quite obvious that when using COCO medium, lots of Calcium and Phosphate and very little Potassium need to be added to the coco which is exactly what the CANNA COCO nutrient line contains. The plant will need them throughout the growth phase. This will ensure that the plant will strengthen and grow faster when using CANNA COCO substrate. 0000001403 00000 n Add Canna COCO to the nutrient reservoir at an advised maximum dilution ratio is 1:250 (40ml A and 40ml B per 10L of water) First add part A to the nutrient reservoir then add B part; You might also like. CANNA COCO nutrients consist of two parts, an A part and a B part. oh, mL/gallons of canna coco A+B that is ;) southstreets. You will use Canna A and Canna B in equal parts throughout your entire grow in both veg and bloom phases. Coco is a complete professional nutrient for plants containing all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Canna Coco Nutrient contains high quality mineral ingredients to provide all the basic macro and micro nutrients that plants need for lush, healthy growth. 0000000988 00000 n We found that when you separate these two elements from each other then mix both of them with the water in your nutrient reservoir later on, there is no problem. We separate these parts for a reason. View product . Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant. Question. CANNAZYM. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. No it is not!!! Our products support a balanced and healing lifestyle through the medicinal properties of plants. Instead, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. CANNA Coco B. Quite high both above and below the ground made for you with lots of love lots love... Coco with those ones and definitely i ’ ll use them again of their conflict part... Above and below the ground formulation for both the growing and flowering the product changes after it best-before! Occurring ingredients COCO doesn ’ t have a Vega and Flores variant and then plenty of soap water... 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Always use COCO A and COCO B in equal amounts. 0000018849 00000 n Buy these coco nutrients from CANNA and ensure your plants grow like rockets, both above and below the ground. Left: COCO A Right: COCO B. 5. The plant cannot absorb this. A n B can be used throughout the whole growth cycle, … 4.6 out of 5 stars 169. 0000019319 00000 n CANNA Coco B. Instead, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. We can’t make things easier! trailer Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. 0000003471 00000 n xref CANNA Coco A & B Coco is a complete professional nutrient for plants containing all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. CANNA PK 13/14 . CalMag Agent. $52.95 General Hydroponics pH Down Liquid Premium Buffering For pH Stability, Quart. Canna Nutrients & Additives - Coco A&B 1L. CANNA Coco A&B can be used for both the growing and blooming phases. 5. Canna Coco Nutrient can be used right the way through your grow. Eye Contact Flush with water. It has the main NPK, and then plenty of trace minerals such as, calcium, magnesium, boron and manganese. Canna Coco A & B . 1,480 782 113. These represent your "Grow" and "Bloom" nutrient as referred to in most nutrient line up. There are two bottles but it is actually only one fertilizer, so you need both of them to work as a complete nutrient. The way the product changes after it's best-before date all depends on storage and on the working ingredients within the product. 5. Great Nutrients and super easy to use ! $650.00 NZD Approx $461.03 USD $660.00 NZD Approx $468.13 USD. endstream endobj 7 0 obj<> endobj 9 0 obj<> endobj 10 0 obj<>/Font<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj[/ICCBased 23 0 R] endobj 14 0 obj<>stream CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for plants containing all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. CANNA CA1280 5 L Coco Part A & B-Veg & Bloom Nutrient-Developed for Run to Waste Growth, Green. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly; and it will take some time to settle. �X%��ӻ8F�$����&��HAJi�:N���5!ΣD��������&� ڜ\�#ޅ!���kI��+�Oo���{xmU�}N��w��"V���piPq�ٽ�y:^��"�sVk�X�l-���$ŧx���"!V���ũ6�O���+|d�}A������t.�v�[�[t�-�E� Lol... What you guys think of the boost? CANNA RHIZOTONIC. 0000011099 00000 n It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. 2 … CANNA Coco Natural is a natural coco-based plant medium that offers the gardener and his plants advantages in comparison with other substrates. The amounts of Calcium and Phosphate that have to be present for the nutrient to do its job properly are quite high. 0000006845 00000 n The EC of Canna COCO A+B dissolved in (tap) water should vary between 1.2 - 2.3mS (=solution EC + water EC) Recommended pH: 5.5 - 6.5; When growing intensively feed the plants 1-2 times a day with this nutrient and make sure the run off will be between 10% and 20%; You might also like. Canna A & B for Growing Cannabis. Canna Coco A & B can deliver incredible results for novice growers and experts alike, so lets get started. Buy CANNA Coco A&B 1 L Now . 4. 6 0 obj <> endobj E��m�x.���m�tEY�y�z��%��L1��qf���s��s/2�"s�ƿ�5Eڗ��ݹ��8:�E��L�P�0fT�. These two are mixed together into your reservoir/ water. We can’t make things easier! Canna Canna Coco Brick 40l Expandable Natural Plant Medium Soil Substrate, 40 Liter Expanded - 8 Liter Dry, Reusable (1): Amazon.ca: Patio, Lawn & Garden 8 0 obj<>stream We can’t make things easier! 0000000816 00000 n It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Unlike nutrients for growing on other mediums, which are usually divided into a vegetative and a flowering solution, this one is not. 0000001064 00000 n INGREDIENTS Two component liquid fertiliser NPK 6-2-3 with trace elements FIRST AID Skin Contact Wash with plenty of soap and water. cc��:J�7���$e�8a?y֎>��Ic������y�ZsV��P�)���g��@�T����vu����I�B���2߀�C�ܲ������5�ңr~��=AoN�z��^8�}�̦? CANNA BOOST Accelerator. The resulting saccharides are fermented to remove simple sugars. Canna’s base food is Canna A, and Canna B. 0000002512 00000 n 0000003341 00000 n 2 days ago. CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. endstream endobj 15 0 obj<> endobj 16 0 obj<>stream You could say: they can’t live with or without each other. 0000008430 00000 n As it happens, if some of the elements in part A and B are thrown together at the same time, they clog together. CANNA offers a complete COCO program. Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant. Canna Coco A & B Feed Schedule. If you’re looking to learn more about growing marijuana in coco coir, check out our complete grow guide for growing weed in coco coir. First time in Coco with those ones and definitely I’ll use them again ! CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. CANNA Coco A&B is composed of high-value minerals and, in addition to this, CANNA Coco contains humous and fulvic ac After years of research into soil, drainage and leaf analyses, CANNA has succeeded in being the first to develop a fertilizer that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of cocos substrates. �P-���id�����u�yȸ�_q�)�ł�a3�͠�j�t�Iu���@��Ƌ?w����X �Y��]Qb�:��m��?�W�p���?K^H ���Y���[V a[˘�d;�7ʘ[P�z%�8������TKR��\�3ƾY�����9X/0�8�3B��3 ��� startxref Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly, but it will take some time to settle. 5. Our nourishing and moisturizing products are made for you with lots of love. [����j-���$��4a���w�dZ�p���I�AD�� ��f�M �9aB4%\F$��"����K��Hq��fz��Q���}�5ԇ�t�T{�%ݫ��}�=� �M:w�&����?dM�\WE Rooflower. $119.99 Canna Rhizotonic 1L. CANNA COCO nutrient consists of two parts, an A part and a B part. CANNA Coco A&B Feeding Schedule. Question. 4.8 out of 5 stars 5,792. Is this slick marketing? 0000000016 00000 n When you put such highly concentrated elements in one bottle they will conflict with each other sometimes resulting in a slimy residue of sorts. Details. Let nature and your body get together. CANNA PK 13/14. 0000026951 00000 n Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. 0000001901 00000 n 5. Canna Rhizotonic 5ltr. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixedThe residue doesn’t appear instantly, but it will take some time to settle. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. x�b``g``�a ��lT��, �H��P������R���@�OS�hF�Q��Y��?�ƙPW����hH�s �� דU 68 36 18. Sherbet Queen , Royal Queen . We keep it simple and we keep it clean. Coco fiber typically contains little Calcium and even less Phosphate; on the other hand it does hold lots of Potassium compared to other type of mediums. CANNA Coco A. 5. CANNA Coco Natural. Canna Coco A+B flushing and strength questions. Made to heal and hydrate. Due to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO nutrients don't have a Vega and Flores version, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. 5. CANNA COCO A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. The design problem is: your plants still need both elements and they need them in large amounts, in spite of their conflict. We have been having great luck using the “light” feeding schedule from the Canna Coco website. These are some of the nutrients plants need but there are not proper amounts of it present in coco coir to cover the plant’s needs. We separate these parts for a reason. CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coir coco. This base nutrient plant feed contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). 0000004877 00000 n CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. The amounts of Calcium and Phosphate that have to be present for the nutrient to do its job properly are quite high. The CANNA COCO A + B nutrient will give the best results when combined with CANNA COCO medium. 0000011326 00000 n Which is bought in two parts. All of our products are made with naturally occurring ingredients. Posted by 1 month ago. 5. 0000011547 00000 n To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. CANNA COCO nutrients contain ingredients that ensure that nutrients are released to the substrate. Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:25 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). Add CANNA COCO A & B to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml A and 40 ml B per 10 litre of water). CANNA Coco A & B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. 3 3. Canna Boost 5L Accelerator . 0 0000002478 00000 n 4.8 out of 5 stars 96. H����j�@��z�:jSi����c��@�!�i�A�4Y2Z�y���zƳ8A������OU�&H ���_���&i�7y��}Sg}��u�尊z�☃��z�"g!S+�7���P+sWW9\�e�&]����{"@"A�)14�\¡ɽ�g��(J9i"�n�4�$�0TNBE{ How to Use Canna Coco Nutrient A&B . 0000018620 00000 n Canna A & B contain a range of different minerals used by the plant. Due to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO nutrients don't have a Vega and Flores version, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. $650.00 NZD Approx $458.68 USD $660.00 NZD Approx $465.74 USD. 5. 0000007615 00000 n We can’t make things easier! 0000006130 00000 n Canna Coco A+B flushing and strength questions. Some of CannaBoost’s active ingredients are carbohydrates that are by-products derived from the production of bio ethanol and yeast, and through the fermentation of molasses (from sugar cane, sugar beet, and palm). 6 26 0000005446 00000 n Product: Shelf life in years: Product: Shelf life in years: CANNA Aqua Flores A: 3: CANNA Phosphorus: 2 : CANNA Aqua Flores B: 3: CANNA Potassium: 2: CANNA Aqua Vega A: 3: pH- GROW: 5: CANNA Aqua Vega B: 3: pH Plus Pro: 5: pH- BLOOM: 5: CANNA PK 13/14: 5: … This item is a kit of two bottles, both A and B for the specified sizes shown. First mix the COCO A solution and stir well before adding the COCO B solution to help prevent saline residues. CANNA BOOST Accelerator. It's an organic product that is free of diseases. %%EOF It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. CANNA RHIZOTONIC. When you choose to grow on COCO you need a special COCO nutrient as well. Canna has a two part base to their nutrient line called Canna A and Canna B. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly; and it will take some time to settle. Canna Coco A&B is a complete professional nutrient for growing plants in coco. %PDF-1.4 %���� These are the basic building blocks of any nutrient line. Where any brand of COCO nutrient is sold in only one bottle with no residues in the container, this should be a ‘sign on the wall’ for you to know there cannot be high enough amounts of both Calcium and Phosphate present: you’re probably being ripped off. Coconuts and plants. First, add CANNA Coco A to the reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40 ml per 10 Litres of water) and stir well. What is Canna A and B? This is why CANNA Research developed a COCO nutrient that completes the CANNA COCO medium to exactly what the plants is looking for. Close. you got a glass jaw son so watch ur mouth.... S. Shamanfarmer. <<24303a9d9047db4286e2adfa065436a7>]>> You still need two bottles; COCO A and COCO B. Let us illustrate what would happen when all ingredients are put together in one bottle anyway: COCO A + B mixed The residue doesn’t appear instantly, but it will take some time to settle . I've spent months researching everything and I'm still conflicted as to the proper way to use these nutrients. This is exactly why CANNA COCO is divided into a two-part nutrient solution known as COCO A and COCO B. This means we have COCO medium as loose fill or in the form of slabs, as well as a COCO nutrient which is adjusted to the COCO medium. The fact that we divided it into two bottles is actually clever thinking and proof that our formula is strong enough and cannot be put in one bottle. May 18, 2012 #7 I did notice following cannas chart that at 11-12 ml per gal the tips started burning a lil bit.. And they want it pushed to 15 ml per gal? Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate Canna Coco doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. Canna Boost 5L Accelerator. 0000004158 00000 n I'll be starting my first grow soon using Canna Coco A+b as my main nutes. Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. 0000019033 00000 n 0000001241 00000 n We can’t make things easier! Canna can’t make things easier! H��T]o�0}ϯ�OL��Wlӷ�´�RUݴ�c�FA��C�{wm'!P�� ٹ����{u7c�n��*M90HW�o��ϟ�`���PJBI�ۀ�K@ �TB��' 鯠s��t}�Yt���M����3�1�� ��0��f�8N��"��J�����F��ʶ���iӬ;�&J�p�C*�*/N t����1�l�/��"_��5�$�`�/�=Ix'�R";���b������~�؉�D�ͷzRDH�H53��m�5�J6+�e��5�����2�� ���"�vI{���ے��������l|;��� �t{��N`}�������"/�gD�~=��s}�__���)/~�����,��ź� It is quite obvious that when using COCO medium, lots of Calcium and Phosphate and very little Potassium need to be added to the coco which is exactly what the CANNA COCO nutrient line contains. The plant will need them throughout the growth phase. This will ensure that the plant will strengthen and grow faster when using CANNA COCO substrate. 0000001403 00000 n Add Canna COCO to the nutrient reservoir at an advised maximum dilution ratio is 1:250 (40ml A and 40ml B per 10L of water) First add part A to the nutrient reservoir then add B part; You might also like. CANNA COCO nutrients consist of two parts, an A part and a B part. oh, mL/gallons of canna coco A+B that is ;) southstreets. You will use Canna A and Canna B in equal parts throughout your entire grow in both veg and bloom phases. Coco is a complete professional nutrient for plants containing all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Canna Coco Nutrient contains high quality mineral ingredients to provide all the basic macro and micro nutrients that plants need for lush, healthy growth. 0000000988 00000 n We found that when you separate these two elements from each other then mix both of them with the water in your nutrient reservoir later on, there is no problem. We separate these parts for a reason. View product . Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant, but there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. Thanks to the special characteristics of coco substrate CANNA COCO doesn’t have a Vega and Flores variant. Question. CANNAZYM. It contains all the essential elements for optimal growing and flowering. Tips: To prevent any residues from appearing in your nutrient reservoir, always mix the A and B portions separately in the reservoir with a large amount of water. No it is not!!! Our products support a balanced and healing lifestyle through the medicinal properties of plants. Instead, there is one unique formulation for both the growth and blooming phase. CANNA Coco B. Quite high both above and below the ground made for you with lots of love lots love... Coco with those ones and definitely i ’ ll use them again of their conflict part... Above and below the ground formulation for both the growing and flowering the product changes after it best-before! Occurring ingredients COCO doesn ’ t have a Vega and Flores variant and then plenty of soap water... 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